Maine Chapter – ACEP’s PAC
Did you know you have your very own Political Action Committee? Maine ACEP started the PAC in 2023 to amplify the emergency physician’s voice by helping to elect state candidates who understand the issues facing you and all emergency medicine physicians.
How Does the MEACEP PAC Make a Difference?
Through contributions to the Maine Chapter – ACEP PAC (Maine Emergency Medicine Action Committee), we can help elevate and spotlight legislators who understand and are supportive of the issues and legislation that is important to our members and chapter. The Maine Chapter – ACEP’s PAC provides the chapter with increased opportunities to connect with policymakers and highlight the chapter’s legislative agenda in different settings and forums. Through repeated interactions, we can build personal relationships with elected officials who value the input of physicians and physicians’ organizations.
Make a Contribution!
By contributing to Maine Chapter – ACEP’s Political Action Committee, you add clout to the collective voice of Maine emergency physicians. Help us help you advance emergency care! Thank you for your support! Contribute Now!
For additional information about the Maine Emergency Medicine Action Committee, contact Executive Director and MEACEP PAC Treasurer, Cathryn Stratton.
Recognizing the growing importance of political action committees, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) established the National Emergency Medicine Political Action Committee (NEMPAC) in 1980. NEMPAC is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated association operating as a separate segregated fund of ACEP. NEMPAC is empowered to solicit, directly or indirectly, accept voluntary personal contributions from ACEP members, and to make expenditures in connection with the election of candidates for federal office. For more information on NEMPAC click here.
Contributions to MEACEP PAC are not deductible for federal or state income tax purposes. Voluntary political contributions by individuals to MEACEP PAC should be made with personal funds and are subject to limitations of FEC regulations.