Scope of Practice

ACEP Opposes Bill That Would Expand Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant Scope of Practice: ACEP and more than 100 organizations wrote Congress to strongly oppose H.R. 2713, the “Improving Care and Access to Nurses (I CAN) Act. Read more.

Post Date: 7-14-2023

No Surprises Act

No Surprises Act Advocacy: ACEP and the Emergency Department Practice Management Association (EDPMA) wrote the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee to outline recommendations to improve the flawed implementation of the No Surprises Act. Read more.

Post Date: 7-14-2023

Corporate Practice of Medicine

ACEP’s Board approved a policy statement on the corporate practice of medicine, bolstering our commitment to protecting our members’ autonomy. Read more.

Post Date: 7-14-2023

Reimbursement Rate

California ACEP Advocacy Leads to Historic Reimbursement Rate Boost. Medi-Cal reimbursement rates have not increased in 20 years, until now. Read More.

Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act” (1/25/2022)

The bipartisan, bicameral “Mainstreaming Addiction Treatment (MAT) Act” (H.R. 1384/S. 445) will help increase access to buprenorphine by removing outdated federal requirements for a separate waiver to dispense buprenorphine, allowing all health care practitioners with a standard controlled medication license to prescribe buprenorphine for OUD. This bill has nearly 240 bipartisan cosponsors – an incredibly strong show of support – but we need your help to urge your legislators to bring this legislation up for a vote and enact it into law now.

Click Here to visit the ACEP Advocacy Action Center where you can find out more and compose your own letter to your US Senators and Representatives.

The No Surprises Act (1/19/2022)

The 2020 No Surprises Act (NSA) established new federal protections against surprise medical bills and balance billing, most of which took effect January 1, 2022. The ACEP website now has a comprehensive summary of the major No Surprises Act requirements and what they mean for emergency physicians.

  1. Bans balance billing for out-of-network emergency care (provided in hospital EDs and independent freestanding EDs) and for post-stabilization care until the patient can consent and safely be moved to an in-network facility.
  2. Bans balance billing for scheduled out-of-network services (such as by a radiologist, pathologist, anesthesiologist, etc) at an in-network facility when the patient hasn’t been notified or provided consent.
  3. Prohibits insurers from assigning higher deductibles (and other cost-sharing) to patients for out-of-network than they do for in-network care without patient notification and consent.
  4. Provides similar patient protections for air ambulance services, but not ground ambulances.

Click Here to learn more understand how the No Surprises Act affects you. To learn more about the about ACEP’s many years of advocacy on this issue that led up to this law, click here.

Maine Methamphetamine Prevention Task Force (4/14/2021)

The Methamphetamine Prevention Task Force was established in 2005 when Maine passed legislation to prevent methamphetamine manufacturing in our state. The “Maine Meth Watch Program”, as it is named in statute, was created to “to educate retailers, retail employees and the public in order to help curtail suspicious sales and the theft of methamphetamine precursor drugs and to identify the location of illicit methamphetamine manufacturing.” Over the years the task force has created several tools and resources such as rack cards for home visitors and property owners; an educational toolkit; and a power point presentation used by those in the prevention field to educate their communities. The Task Force currently meets bi-monthly, on the third Wednesday from 9:00-10:30 a.m. For more information, please contact Megan Scott, Prevention Specialist, Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention and Control Program, Maine CDC. ([email protected]) | Position Description

Past ME ACEP Newsletter Issues